My Family

Hi all,

Would like to introduce you to my little family.

This is updated picture January 2020. We managed to go jalan-jalan just before the Covid-19 situation became more serious in Malaysia.

My husband is very good in managing our personal family. He’s the one who is in charge to take care about the expenses, bills, receipts, etc. I don’t like doing this as I did those enough during my work in Venture. Hahahaha. He’s also the clean and organized one. He is really good in cleaning and organizing things too – much better and faster than me.

Anyway, we are just a normal family with 3 wonderful kids. Struggling to get by with the real expensive expenses nowadays. But still hoping can add more in the future. ^_^ (would like to wait at least until Adam is in primary school, though).


Our first child is Adam. He’s 5 this year. He is very nice and obedient kid. He likes to play and really really really love cars (specifically, hot wheels). On the road, he can actually point out the nice cars – usually ferrari and the sports car range. Those are his favorite. “Car cantik! Car cantik!”. He’s really nice and everyone usually falls for him quite fast as he’s quite handsome and charming too.

Updated 2020: He’s 9 this year (Standard 3!)


Our second child and first daughter is Ameena. She’s 4 this year. She’s a sweet girl who always want her mother (that’s me) to always agree with her. She loves shopping with me and always buy something at every single shop that we go to. She likes makeup and beautiful things. She enjoyed getting people to put make up on her (and she likes to put makeup on other people too), she enjoys saloon too! Kids really do appreciate beauty, huh? She’s also very helpful and always becomes the teachers’ pet. All her teachers love her very much ^_^

Updated 2020: She’s 8 this year (Standard 2!)


Our third child is Azmi. He’s going to be 3 this November 2016. He’s really (and mind you, realllyyy) active and constantly moving. Loves to run everywhere and you really need to make sure you hold his hand (or better, just pick him up and hold him in your arms instead). He loves to take his brother’s or sister’s toys when they are playing that toy (attention seeker). Anyhow, He’s becoming sweeter and sweeter now and likes to give thumbs up and say “terbaikkkk!”. He’s using that word at the correct places too! Such as when the food is really delicious, or the picture is very beautiful, etc.

Updated 2020: He’s 7 this year! (Standard 1)

I really love my little family and my cute kids. Please pray for our success and happiness now and hereafter.