Assalamualaikum wbt and a very good morning everyone
I hope all of you are in good health.
Today, I would like to share about my family – one of the greatest blessings I have in my life.I grow up in a loving family, and we have very strong bonding between us.
Of course, we had our moments in life – we fought, we cried, but each time, we will come back together stronger, just like the saying “Air dicincang tidak akan putus”.
My siblings, Zul Az and Aisya Aziz, my brother in law, Mohd Mazeez Mohd Mazlan and I are working together at Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd, along with my dad, Ir Aziz Ismail, and Pak Ngah, to grow the company together to contribute to the nation’s economy. My mom, Zurhiati Saad, is our strongest supporter.
We hope we are able to be one of the biggest contributor to Malaysia’s economy one day, insya Allah. Please pray for us!
My youngest sister, Sara Aziz, is a doctor and she’s actually in the labour room right now as I am typing – waiting to deliver her and Ammar Yusri’s first baby! I am so excited, please pray for them and may everything goes well!
The way our parents grow us up and nurture us – we grow up to believe that there will always be someone who love us for whoever we may be. The way we are nurtured, results in confident adults who are not afraid to try out new things and to never give up. We are trained from we were young to study hard, and to push ourselves in order to grow to the next levels. This is what have been a part of our life, and what we are trying to instill in our kids too.
Now all my siblings are already married – with our own chosen sweethearts, whom we love dearly.
Here I would like to share a picture of us. However, there are a few people not in the picture: Afiq Osman, Sara Aziz, Ammar Yusri and Nur Afiqah Hunain.

Insya Allah, next time I will share pictures with everyone in it. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for a great family.