My baby girl likes to talk a lot and likes to follow her brother – especially when he’s playing with the iPad. She’s such a cute girl. Ameena, mommy loves you! Mwahhh!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Happy birthday my sweetie pie, Adam Abqary!
Hello Everyone!
Well, it’s been a while since I last write a blog. Previously used but some problem with the hosting company and so, I lost the domain name. Urgh. That’s why I restart my blogging with instead. =)
Anyway, hi everyone! Though, probably not many will be reading this post right now coz, er, this blog is pretty new, but yeah, I’ll try my best not to bore you to death with my life. Haha. Just sharing pieces of news here and there (not that you need them). Lol. But I hope from sharing my experiences, I can help someone out there.
Thanks for visiting – and reading!
Aishah’s Mahpudz Wedding!
My ex-schoolmate, Aishah Mahdpudz, who has also helped us out at Authentic Venture as developer assistant, is now married! She’s married to a PhD holder from Pakistan whom she got to know during her studies at University of Auckland.
From left: Asnah, Zul, Aizat, Arshid (the groom), Aishah (the bride), Adam, Nisa, Sara
Congratulations Aishah!