AVSB Activities Oct 2016

Alhamdulillah had great activities with Venturians in October 2016. During this time, Saepul and Kholil came to Malaysia for intensive training sessions, so, they managed to join quite many activities while they are here 😊😊😊

Alhamdulillah, hope the knowledge and skills that they developed here will be able to help Ventures to grow in Indonesia. Amin…

Tadika Vonad sports day

Hi all,

Today I would like to share with you my memories on Tadika Vonad Sports Day. 

It has been held in May 2016 in Bangi (forgive me, i forgot the name but i remember how to go there if you want me to direct you there hehe), and indoors too due to the really hot weather we had earlier this year.

It was adam’s second sports day and ameena’s first sports day. Adam promised “adam tak nangis” for this year’s sports day because he cried last year. Hoho.

However ameena cried. 😭😭😭 she was a bit clingy and did not want to release her hold on mommy and her aunty aisya. Luckily aunty aisya knows how to soothe her (i am not very good at comforting and deattaching my kids from myself haha).

Tadika Vonad is quite active in doing activities and other kids looked very happy.

Hopefully Ammena will enjoy the sports day more next year 😊😊😊

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

Well, unfortunately I kept forgetting to update my dear blog. It has been 7 months since my last update.

So sorry!

Well, 2016 has been such a roller coaster year for me – emotionally, physically draining. However, as always, I tried to keep going straight – to achieve our dreams. It’s my final year of twenties, and the start of my thirties. For sure the challenges are going to get bigger and better.

And unfortunately, I still have not yet achieve my dreams – our dreams!

I will share with you some of the challenges I faced and how I faced them. And how all these things happened and made me a better person. However, since there are different and many instances, I will share in the next few posts.

Anyway, just remember – what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger! I almost got “killed” in 2016 as the going got tough. But no, I did not die. I got stronger. So, let’s keep going.

What doesn't kill you,makes youSTRONGER..jpg




Happy New Year

Assalamualaikum wbt everyone,

It’s 1st January 2016. Happy new year everyone! ^_^


We hope that 2016 become a fruitful and prosperous year <3.

P/S: Today our department is going for a department trip to Port Dickson. Yahoooo! =)


Syaz dah berkahwin

Semalam kami sekeluarga pergi ke batu pahat utk menghadiri kenduri kahwin Syaz dan Ilham. 

Alhamdulillah, walaupun agak jauh, dengan adanya faithful assistants Aisya and Ara, dan juga husband yg berdedikasi utk drive all the way ke batu pahat, beserta anak2 yg dah makin besar dan lebih pandai behave dan juga dgn keberkatan Allah, perjalanan tersebut lancar.

Seronok jgk masa kat sana, jumpa member2 lama yg dirindui. nie juga merupakan kenduri member yg pertama kami attend lepas dpt 3 anak2 ni. Before this, keluar2 gi kenduri, keramaian or perjalanan yg jauh adalah teramat stressful dan selalunya menjadi penderaan emosi. hahaha.

Anyway, selamat pengantin baru Syaz dan Ilham. Semoga berbahagia hingga ke syurga.  


Bicara Kata

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0a09N72cq4]

Manis bicara indah tutur kata
Tak seindah rupa pengertiannya
Lembutnya lidah mengata nista
Lidah yang tiada bertulang
Mengadu domba
Serta memfitnah sesama saudara

Terkadang aku berfikir sendirian
Perlukah amarahku dibiar terus menyala
Membakar membara dengan rasa bangga
Mencela mereka dengan kata-kata

Kata ibarat pedang
Yang tajamnya bisa membunuh lawan
Kata-kata yang berhikmah
Menyedarkan kita

Kata madah pujangga
Bisa menjadi pedoman manusia
Jagalah bahasa kata kita
Jangan disalah guna

Yang merah itu saga
Yang kurik itu kendi
Yang indah itu bahasa
Yang cantik budi pekerti

Terkadang aku mentaksir manusia
Kurniaan Tuhan telah banyak dikhianati
Mencerca, menghina, dustanya bicara
Menyusun nista dengan kata-kata

Terlajak perahu masih boleh diundur lagi
Terlajak kata buruk padahnya
Terlajak perahu masih boleh diundur lagi
Terlajak kata hilang percaya
Hilang percaya…

Hunger for knowledge

“Tuntutlah ilmu hingga ke negeri China” is one of the proverbs that shows how important it is to learn and get more knowledge.

As a mother of 3, it has been hard to find time when I can properly spend time learning. I love reading books and love reading things online. So, I’ll try to read when I am waiting for someone, whenever I can. At night, although it would be a struggle to divide my time and attention between being a wife, a mom and a reader, I would try to read using my phone (my tablet usually becomes my kids’ properties, even my phone too) when my kids are asleep.

Therefore, if you’re still single, don’t waste time watching tv all nights after coming home from work. Well, I know you’ll say “I’m tired from all the work man, I need to rest”. Well, I’m not saying you should spend 10 hours to reading each night. 30 minutes each night of reading or getting new knowledge and skills will help you. Or just 2-3 times a week would be great as well. (Well, reading is not only for singles, I really respect married couple with kids who can spend time studying – and even getting masters and phd while the kids are young)

If you want to move forward in your life and career, you’ll need to be able to grow yourself and not just rely 100% only on trainings provided by your boss. That’s what makes the difference between those who can climb the corporate ladder fast and those who’s stuck in the same chair for years.

Your knowledge stays with you, wherever you are, and sometimes you might be surprise on how the knowledge will help you.

Do you feel that your process gets slower when you have more staffs? Do you feel that your department achievements did not improve despite adding a few additional employees? If yes, then, you have to read this.

Currently I am reading “Management” and “Delegating and Supervision” books.

One of the key points that I learned is that:

As a manager, you should multiply your efforts by delegating the work and supervising your staffs. The more staffs you have, the more you are supposed to be able to accomplish. Not the other way around.

Some managers may think that they need to know everything, to do everything, to be in all meetings and ended up having too much workload, and the company cannot operate efficiently.

High-WorkloadSometimes, when your team cannot accomplish what it is supposed to accomplish, you need to reflect back, are you the bottleneck? Do you require your team to discuss every single thing with you? Do you require approval for every single thing? That when you’re not in the office, it’s like everything hits on the brake pedal – everything cannot run because you are not there to approve them.

If your team is unable to function at their best when you’re out a few days for meetings or training, that means you’re the cause of the bottleneck. Once this happens, you will cry out to the top management that you don’t have enough staffs and requested to add more staffs. However, truthfully, if you don’t solve the bottleneck issues, even if you have 100 people reporting to you, you can make things that is supposed to finish in 1 day can take 1 month (or probably more, since there are 100 people now waiting for your approval for every single matters).

So, how to remove this bottleneck?

First step: Find out what is the bottleneck

Where is the bottleneck? Let’s reflect:
1) Do you require approval for every single issue even minor thing?
2) Do you need to go to every single meeting when your staff can actually handle it?
3) Do you bring too many people to attend a meeting? Having more than necessary people to attend a meeting is a waste of time and resources.
4) Do you require your staffs to discuss every single thing with you before taking any action?

Note: Please refer to the picture below. If you require approval for each time your staff wants to put a puzzle piece together (even though he already knows that it is right, the work will be delayed each time you’re not there. However, if you allow them to make some decisions themselves, they are able to build the jigsaw puzzle until its completion even when you’re not there to shout out instructions and to approve every single matters. A good manager ensures all work is done efficiently even if he is not there for some period of time.

managementSecond Step: Know Which Work to Delegate & Trust Your Employees More

Rule of thumb for delegation is, if there is another person on your team that can do the work at 70% as good as you, you should delegate the work to him or her.

However, if it takes you only 5 minutes to complete something and it takes the other person 5 days, then, obviously you should do that work by yourself.

From my own experience, about 5-6 years ago, I tend to do everything by myself because I felt that I do the work much faster and can accomplish more in a short time (even now I still feel the same way, but now I’m getting much better at delegation ^_^). I felt that explaining things to other people is taking up my precious time and I’m afraid that they will screw up the work and I ended up have to redo everything again.

However, one day, someone stopped me and told me, if I want to become a manager, I have to trust my employees more. And the employees will appreciate it too as they can grow, assuming more responsibilities and they will feel they are more important to the company. This is also a factor that contribute to talent retention rate of the company.

Hands on top of each other. Symbolic picture.

And from then on, I learn to grow myself into the manager level and I try to grow my employees by giving them more on the job training, trusting them with more responsibilities and delegating work more effectively. And alhamdulillah, it seems that it works out well.

By the way, just as a reminder, there is no way somebody is already 100% capable to do something new. You just have to stretch it a bit. Let them do something that is a little bit extra than what you perceive their capability is. Sometimes, you don’t know that you actually have a hidden gem in your team and you need to take some risks to discover it.

Give them some space to make decisions – teach them how to make a good decision and if there is a guideline that they need to follow. This will allow them to make good decisions for the company and accomplish their work better and faster.

Third Step: Throw them into the situation and let them flourish

Truthfully, when it comes to women members of my team, I tend to “manja”kan them a bit. I discovered my tendency now and I am currently rectifying my mistake.

Before this, I always thought, why my men staff members almost always outperform the women ones. Why? Is it true that men are better than women?

After scrutinizing at my own previous decisions, I realized that I am the one that made them that way. I “manjakan” my girls at the office too much. How? By saying “okay, you can present next time” when they informed me that they are afraid or they are not yet ready. However, if a man staff came to me saying that they are afraid, well, guess what? I tended to give them motivation and still ask them to present. For my men staff, I often give them some training to prepare, and then throw them into the situation and let them flourish. But for my girl staff, I often feel “kesian” to throw them into the situation even after I gave the same training that I’ve given to my men staff. Oh my…. why didn’t I realize this sooner.

10502471_670174823058966_1356455736933266364_nI subconsciously differentiate my staffs – and that is a mistake that I made. I am currently rectifying my mistake and start to treat them the same – men or women alike.

Due to I always demanded good performance from my men staff while maintaining “tak apa” attitude with my women staff, I can see at my workplace that the men usually outperforms the women. And it’s all due to my own mistake.

It’s the matter of giving them the opportunity and practice to upgrade their skills. Throw them into the situation. As an example, when I accompany my men staff to a meeting, I asked them to present. However, when I go to a meeting with my girls, I am usually the one that is presenting. Therefore, my girls did not get the opportunity to show their presentation skills and did not get much practice like the men staff had.

Now, I am changing. I am demanding the same performance from men and women alike. No more “tak apa” attitude.

So, from here, you can see that, “throwing” your staff into a situation can be a part of training, to enable them to take care of the situation, give them practice and grow them to the next level. Once you give them space to grow, you can also grow to the next level as well, as they can assume more responsibilities and minimize having to depend on your for a lot of things. From this, you can run your company more efficiently and effectively.

What is Growth Hacking?

Say, what is growth hacking?

From Wikipedia, growth hacking is as follow:

Growth hacking is a product-focused marketing technique developed by technology startups which uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure. It can be seen as part of the online marketing ecosystem, as in many cases growth hackers are using techniques such as search engine optimization, website analytics, content marketing and A/B testing. Growth hackers focus on low-cost and innovative alternatives to traditional marketing, e.g. utilizing social media and viral marketing instead of buying advertising through more traditional media such as radio, newspaper, and television.Growth hacking is particularly important for startups, as it allows for a “lean” launch that focuses on “growth first, budgets second.“Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Airbnb and Dropbox are all companies that use growth hacking techniques.

growth hacking