Count Your Blessings Day #11 (Posted 29 April 2021)

Salam Nuzul Quran everyone! (Sorry for sharing this a tad late on my blog!)

Today, I would like to share about our Mama, Zurhiati Saad.

Mama was a teacher throughout her whole career. For her, studies and academic is everything.

When we were young, Mama would always give us tuitions (along with our friends too). This is one of the ways she made sure we study. We had tuitions almost every night on different subjects. Until now I still don’t know how did Mama get her energy and time to do all of those. I am trying to do it with my kids – but couldn’t 100% emulate Mama. I probably only manage to study with them just 2-3 nights per week.

I still remember, to ensure that we have conducive space to study, one of our bedrooms was converted into study room with tables, chairs and whiteboard. All 4 of us would sleep in 1 bedroom. We had triple decker bed. 2 of us would share a bed, or add another mattress on the floor.

I still remember, she would always ask us about our results. If we didn’t get A, she would ask, why didn’t we get A? If we got 95%, she would ask, why didn’t we get 100%? Haha. I remember that one day, Zul Az brought his books and studied in front of Mama and followed her everywhere – to the kitchen, bedroom, and even in front of the bathroom as evidence that he is studying. That’s how much Mama put importance in our studies. Mama was also very generous in regards of books. If we ask for any books, even comic books, she would 100% buy them for us.

All those time and sacrifices she made when we were small, paid off well. Alhamdulillah all of us achieved good scores in our examinations, and received scholarships to study. And the scholarships came at the best time too – the business weren’t doing so well and the money was drying up fast at that time. It was a very stressful time for my parents. My parents often told us, Allah sent rezeki through us, through the scholarships. Alhamdulillah.

Mama has just retired end of last year and she is now enjoying her retirement – by learning programming!

Thank you, Mama for everything you have done for us. We are so blessed to have a great mother like you.Thank you, Allah for all the blessings you have given us.

Count Your Blessings – Day #9 (Posted 26 April 2021)

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Hi everyone!

Sorry my post today is a bit late. I was a bit overwhelmed this morning. Haha.

Anyway, my #CountYourBlessings post today is about my kids.

Adam, Ameena and Azmi.

Adam was born in 2011. Alhamdulillah Allah gave me a very good and easy to manage baby for my firstborn. I remember that my dad commented “Rumah ni macam takde baby je” because of how quiet he was. He was just smiling and laughing all the time. A very good baby to start off my motherhood journey.

Then, next come Ameena in 2012, and Azmi in 2013. I usually become pregnant back within 5 months of giving birth. Hahaha. So right after Azmi, I immediately took Implanon so that I can plan my family. However, looking back, I wish I have given birth to another 2 kids before taking Implanon so that I can have 5 kids that are already big enough by now.

Their age is so near to each other that they are very close, like siblings-best friends. Now, they help each other in studies, they play and grow up together. I really love my kids.

When they were young, I was so stressed out. I didn’t care anymore about everything else. From the moment I woke up until the time I sleep, my life revolved around my babies. I didn’t care about how I look, how my clothes look – everything else is like “whatever”. However, now I am grateful that all of my kids are big enough already to become my little friends. They often accompany me everywhere I go, they love to hug and kiss me (and me them!) and always remind me if I did anything wrong. And now I start to enjoy my life more too with my little bundles of joy accompanying my in my life journey.

The way we grow up our little ones, is we teach them not to be afraid to say no and to speak up, and to always be affectionate with us. So, they usually will remind us little things like “Mommy, jangan baring masa azan”, or “Mommy, jangan marah2 sangat” and they will hold each other accountable for anything they have promised. They absolutely love to help me and help around the house. I am so grateful to be granted with the best kids ever who absolutely are not shy to kiss me.Thank you Allah for the wonderful children.

Count Your Blessings Day #6

Assalamualaikum wbt and a very good morning everyone

I hope all of you are in good health.

Today, I would like to share about my family – one of the greatest blessings I have in my life.I grow up in a loving family, and we have very strong bonding between us.

Of course, we had our moments in life – we fought, we cried, but each time, we will come back together stronger, just like the saying “Air dicincang tidak akan putus”.

My siblings, Zul Az and Aisya Aziz, my brother in law, Mohd Mazeez Mohd Mazlan and I are working together at Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd, along with my dad, Ir Aziz Ismail, and Pak Ngah, to grow the company together to contribute to the nation’s economy. My mom, Zurhiati Saad, is our strongest supporter.

We hope we are able to be one of the biggest contributor to Malaysia’s economy one day, insya Allah. Please pray for us!

My youngest sister, Sara Aziz, is a doctor and she’s actually in the labour room right now as I am typing – waiting to deliver her and Ammar Yusri’s first baby! I am so excited, please pray for them and may everything goes well!

The way our parents grow us up and nurture us – we grow up to believe that there will always be someone who love us for whoever we may be. The way we are nurtured, results in confident adults who are not afraid to try out new things and to never give up. We are trained from we were young to study hard, and to push ourselves in order to grow to the next levels. This is what have been a part of our life, and what we are trying to instill in our kids too.

Now all my siblings are already married – with our own chosen sweethearts, whom we love dearly.

Here I would like to share a picture of us. However, there are a few people not in the picture: Afiq Osman, Sara Aziz, Ammar Yusri and Nur Afiqah Hunain.

Insya Allah, next time I will share pictures with everyone in it. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for a great family.

Ramadhan #CountYourBlessings Post #1

I have shared this on my Facebook yesterday. Going to share this here!

Good morning everyone!

It’s the first day of Ramadhan and I hope everyone is doing well. If not, don’t fret, Ramadhan has just started and you’re not too late yet

During this Ramadhan month, I would like to make a special effort to appreciate the good things in my life, by counting my blessings everyday.I am very lucky to have been blessed by so many wonderful things throughout the journey of my life. Thank you Allah.Today my post is specially dedicated to my dearest father, Ir Aziz Ismail.

My father, or as I call him, Ayah, has been a great role model for me since I was young. And now, by working with him since 2009, there are a great deal of things that I have learned from him.I believe that his greatest quality is his patience, and how he never gets angry non-strategically (aha!), especially when I were having my temper moments.

From him, I learned to control my emotions and anger (although sometimes I still fail! ). I learned from him that as a leader, everything that I do must have a reason, and must not be influenced by emotions.

As a lady, sometimes my emotions get the better of me.

And aside from that, Ayah is a very hardworking man and never knows what the term “tired” means. If he needs to complete 5 proposals that day – he will. As of today I am still not able to finish 5 proposals in 1 day yet. Haha.

I appreciate having a great and wonderful father and role model for my life, whom I wish I will grow with more mature and intellectual thinking like him and have his insights too.

Thank you for everything that you have done for us and will do, and we always pray for your long life, health, wellness and happiness. May Allah make all your dreams come true.

Happy belated birthday Ayah and I am so sorry that you cannot retire yet!

A Historical Day for Our Family

Today, 17 November 2018, marks a historical day for our family. All three of my children received awards from their respective schools:

Adam – 2nd in class for KAFA

Ameena – 2nd in class for Prasekolah Tadika Vonad

Azmi – Anugerah Pelajar Lonjakan Tadika Vonas

These past 2-3 weeks when I received the good news, I feel very proud. My happy tears keep coming out these past weeks, and this is probably one of the proudest moment in my 32 years of life. Finally I understand why people keep saying “Make your parents proud”.

Adam, Ameena, Azmi, should you read this in the future, I want you to know that I am very proud of you and I love you all very much. I hope you will always be very successful and become among the best in the world, dunia and akhirat.

I love you all so much!

An evening at Kidzoona IOI City Mall, Putrajaya

Today I brought my 3 kids to Kidzoona at IOI City Mall Putrajaya for them to enjoy indoor playground. It’s been a while since we last visited an indoor playground – so I decided to bring them so they can release their energy.

Alhamdulillah since they all have grown up a bit (Adam is 7, Meena is 6 and Azmi is 5), it’s easier to manage them when going out on my own since Afiq is working today. Previously it was a nightmare if I have to manage all three of them alone at a shopping mall 😅.

Kidzoona is located in Molly Fantasy, near to the ice skating rink at IOI City Mall. Entry feea is RM18/pax for unlimited playtime during weekends and public holidays.

Kidzoona has various types of games and toys such as bouncing castle, magnetic sand and more. Suitable for younger kids but might be a little boring for kids that are more than 8 years old.

At Kidzoona the kids can also play pretend as shopowners and doctors. I remember I used to play pretend at home with diy stuff 😅

What I like about indoor playground is that I can have a rest while they play as much as they want. I don’t have to worry about them running off somewhere like during playing at outdoor playground. And hopefully once they have played their hearts out, they will sleep earlier at night (haha).

My kids love Kidzoona and the price is quite reasonable when compared to other indoor playground. It’s been 3 hours now and they still don’t want to leave yet. Haha.

Cerita semalam

Cerita semalam.

Tanggal 23 Oktober 2015, Uncle Shazril telah pergi menemui ilahi. Kematian disebabkan oleh demam denggi berdarah.

Alhamdulillah, ramai yang hadir dan memberikan sokongan moral untuk ahli keluarga. Kawan-kawan Uncle Shazril sangat ramai dan menunjukkan dia seorang yg menjaga hubungan sesama manusia.

IMG_5623Kesedihan dah bermula semenjak hari Rabu lagi, ketika Uncle dimasukkan ke wad ICU dan disahkan dalam keadaan kritikal. Sedangkan saya sendiri pun rasa sedih, apatah lagi ahli keluarga yang paling dekat – ibu, bapa, adik-beradik, isteri dan anak-anak… Berat mata yang memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul.

IMG_5629 IMG_5632Uncle Shazril telah meninggalkan seorang isteri dan lima orang anak yang masih kecil. Mak Ina sangat kuat. Dapat melihat Mak Ina sedih, tapi Mak Ina sedaya upaya tidak menangis di hadapan orang ramai. Saya pula yang nangis lebih2 dekat office. Mungkin staff saya pun keliru dengan mood saya seminggu ini.

Sesama di hadapan Mak Ina dan family, saya cuba control sekuat mungkin. Cuma air mata saya bercucuran jatuh bila Dafi (berusia 4 tahun) asyik bertanya pada Mak Ina “Mama, mana Papa?, Papa mana?”. Sebak. Anak kecil sudah menjadi yatim piatu.

Allah, saya tewas dengan perasaan.

Saya kagum dengan ayah saya yang “bertugas” untuk menjaga Mak Ina. Saya tahu Ayah sedih tapi dia sangat kuat. Bantu drivekan Mak Ina, teman Mak Ina di hospital sepanjang Uncle Shazril di ICU, paksa Mak Ina makan dan pastikan Mak Ina dapat semua bantuan yang diperlukan. He is very emotionally stable. Sayas sangat respect kepada Ayah. Saya perlu lebih mencontohi ayah dalam pengawalan emosi kerana saya akui, kadang-kadang saya tewas dengan emosi.

IMG_5625Gambar di atas merupakan gambar Aisya (kiri) dan Aunty Suli (kanan) bersama anak bongsu arwah Uncle Shazril, Dura namanya. Comel kan.

Moga Allah berikan kekuatan kepada Mak Ina dan anak-anak. Kami akan membantu sedaya yang boleh utk membantu Mak Ina menjaga zuriat-zuriat mu, Uncle Shazril.

Uncle Shazril, Moga kau tenang di sana. Moga kau ditempatkan di kalangan ahli syurga. Amin.