How to Grow Your Business: Getting the right people onto the bus into the right seats.

How to Grow Your Business

Getting the right people onto the bus into the right seats.

Since a few years ago, when I became the COO (i was the most inexperienced COO ever probably when I started out since I didn’t even have any theoretical management background aside from the Engineering Management class from Stevens and just have a few leadership positions during co-curricular activities), I always try to understand my staffs – their strengths, weaknesses, interests, beliefs, family background, career plans, etc.

Since there were not many staffs when I first became COO and we did not have the financial capability yet at that time to hire many staffs, we designed our internship program to make it a win-win situation – we managed to get things done and the interns get real world experience.

This is where I learned to interview people (mind you, we had many interns that really underperformed when I started my first rounds of interviews and hiring interns – my interview skills sucked), I learned to manage bad performers (take note, bad performers CAN get the whole company down as the negative things can spread like disease especially in small companies!), how to train employees to get the best out of them and how to retain the good employes and more.

The most important things that I discovered is:
– When you interview, the academic background means very little (unless you are looking for very technical people), but the most important things are:

1. whether the candidate is really interested in the position and would enjoy doing the work (instead of just wanting to be employed so that they are not unemployed. or just interested in the salary offered if you’re offering higher salary – if he/she jumps to more than 3 or 4 companies in less than 2 years, that is a concern that you should address)

2. potential of the candidate (can he grow and take up more responsibilities in the future?)

3. does he/she fits in your team (does he/she have the core values of the company)

4. high interest to contribute to your company (are they proactive to contribute to the company’s growth instead of they’re expecting the company to contribute to them?).

– I usually don’t look at CGPA unless it is tooooo low (like less than 2.5). High CGPA usually shows they are good at studying and learning (good if the position requires them to learn a lot of new things is a short time) but doesn’t mean that he/she is good at working. People can excel very well when they are put into the right seats – right type of work that they enjoy.

I am Nisa. I am still learning – I love reading – I love Googling and I am doing my best to grow Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd to be the leading cloud-based solution provider of enterprise solutions in the ASEAN region.

P/S: I have an awesome team now and I love them very much!


Always Believe That You Can Do It!

Always believe that you can do it!!

Mungkin tak ramai yang mengetahui, semasa saya kecil saya merupakan seorang pesakit jantung. Jantung saya berlubang sejak lahir dan saya telah menjalani pembedahan pada umur saya 4 tahun. Saya masih ingat sewaktu saya kena berpuasa selama beberapa jam sebelum pembedahan, saya meminta-minta “Mama, nak milo”. Tapi tak boleh sebab perlu berpuasa.

Sebelum menjalani pembedahan tersebut, ibu saya ada mengatakan bahawa saya sangat banyak berpeluh dan mudah jatuh sakit. Alhamdulillah banyak improvement selepas pembedahan tersebut berjaya dilakukan.

Semasa saya sekolah rendah, saya ada mewakili sekolah dalam bola jaring. Tetapi stamina saya tidak kuat berbanding kawan-kawan saya yang lain. Saya menyalahkan sakit jantung sebagai punyebabnya (walhal sudah bedah dan baik sepenuhnya). Hingga saya ke sekolah menengah, saya mengelak dari melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti lasak seperi lumba lari (Minta Maaf Kapten Huda Chan sebab tak nak join lumba lari. Saya masih ingat lagi saya berusaha meminta kepadanya untuk tidak mahu join lumba lari semasa hari sukan SMSS. Haha)

Anyway, jadinya Allah nak buktikan kepada saya bahawa sekiranya saya push diri saya lebih dari saya fikir, saya sebenarnya berkebolehan untuk melakukan apa sahaja, termasuklah sukan.

Pada tahun pertama saya di Stevens Institute of Technology, saya dan sahabat baik saya Latifah Sarah, telah sign up untuk join kelas PE Fencing. Fencing merupakan lawan pedang. Apabila kami pergi ke “kelas” yang pertama, rupa-rupanya, kami ter-signup untuk masuk pasukan Fencing varsity, yang mewakili universiti untuk lawan dengan universiti-universiti yang lain.

Coach saya adalah Coach Linda Vollkommer-Lynch yang sangat baik dan juga tegas. Bermula dari situ saya memaksa diri saya berlari (kami mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya 5 latihan seminggu, setiap satu latihan adalah selama 3 jam dan sekurang-kurangnya sejam pada setiap sesi latihan digunakan untuk meningkatkan stamina seperti berlari, push up, sit up dan sebagainya). Jikalau kami lambat lari, kami akan dikenakan panelti (perlu lari dengan lebih lama). Oleh itu, saya berjaya mengatasi “masalah mental” yang saya hadapi sebelum ini yang mengatakan saya tidak boleh bersukan. Saya sebenarnya boleh, cuma perlu push diri sendiri lebih untuk keluar dari “Comfort Zone”.

Selain berlari, kami juga perlu bina badan dengan perlu pergi ke Weight-Room sekurang-kurang 1 kali seminggu bersama team dan beberapa kali atas inisiatif sendiri. Pada zaman tersebut, saya boleh mengangkat berat badan saya sendiri. (Berapa ye berat badan saya? Rahsia. Haha)

Dalam satu team fencing, ada 3 jenis pedang iaitu Foil, Epee dan Sabre. Saya merupakan pemain Foil. Setiap pedang memerlukan 3 starter dan 1 simpanan.

Pada tahun pertama saya telah terpilih menjadi “Simpanan”. Sejurus saya masuk tahun kedua, saya telah mula menjadi “Starter” dan berlawan dengan universiti-universiti lain yang mempunyai fencer yang lebih experienced. Ada antara mereka yang telah mula bermain fencing sejak sekolah rendah lagi.

Alhamdulillah saya telah memenangi banyak awards sepanjang saya bergelar seorang fencer dan saya juga telah berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke NCAA (walaupun hanya sekadar pusingan pertama) semasa saya final year di universiti.

Sepanjang saya di Stevens Institute of Technology, Allah telah banyak buktikan kepada saya sebenarnya saya boleh buat dan dapatkan sesuatu achievement dengan bekerja keras dan tidak membuat sebarang alasan. Saya yakin ilmu dan pengalaman yang ditimba ini sesuai digunakan pada bila-bila masa sahaja, sama ada sewaktu belajar dan juga semasa menerajui sebuah perniagaan.

Sekiranya saya boleh, anda juga boleh!!! Kita hanya perlu mempunyai mindset yang betul dan usaha kuat untuk mencapai cita-cita kita, Insya Allah!

Membangunkan sebuah perniagaan

Pada usia 28 tahun kini mungkin tidak dikira muda utk menerajui sesebuah syarikat. Namun, ini adalah satu tanggungjawab yang besar untuk saya dan amanah yang telah diberikan semenjak 5 tahun yang lepas. Mungkin ada antara tuan/puan tidak sangka saya adalah 28 tahun. (mungkin nampak macam umur 40 tahun, haha)

Sejurus selepas saya grad universiti Stevens Institute of Technology, saya memikul amanah dari bapa saya, Ir Aziz Ismail, untuk membangunkan Authentic Venture Sdn Bhd ke langkah seterusnya. Tanggungjawab tersebut amatlah besar. Saya tidak yakin saya dapat lakukannya.

Banyak drama yang berlaku dan dengan titisan air mata darah saya berhempas pulas untuk membantu ayah saya menaikkan syarikat ini ke mata dunia (terlebih dahulu ke mata Malaysia). Saya pernah merasakan bertahun-tahun tidak dapat gaji yang mana kawan-kawan saya yang lain semuanya bercerita ke mana destinasi percutian seterusnya. Jeles, memang benar. Tapi semua itu saya perlu lupakan dan telanlah kepahitan bangun jatuh sesebuah perniagaan.

Dalam keadaan susah payah, Allah telah memurahkan rezeki saya dari segi memberikan ahli keluarga yang baik dan bertanggungjawab, dan kami dikurniakan 3 orang anak yang comel, Adam, Ameena dan Azmi. Alhamdulillah, sesusah mana pun kami, masih cukup makan dan pakai untuk anak-anak kami ini.

Kini saya mendapat bantuan adik-adik Zul Purr Miaw dan Aisya Aziz yang turut sama mengambil langkah yang mungkin jarang diambil orang lain untuk menerajui dan membangunkan sebuah syarikat di empayar dunia. Adik-adik saya sangat hebat dan dapat interview dengan Google dan Amazon di US namun ditolak beliau semata-mata ingin turutsama memikul tanggungjawab ini.

Tidak banyak jasa yang telah saya semaikan jika dibandingkan dengan ayah saya, @Ir Aziz Ismail, usahawan yang cemerlang. Namun, saya harap Allah berikan kami kudrat untuk terus menempuh cabaran untuk menaikkan syarikat ini ke mata dunia dan murahkan rezeki kami dan usahawan-usahawan Malaysia.

Doakan kami berjaya, Amin.

Research Mode

Assalamualaikum wbt All,

How are you? Hope everything is great. I know, I know. It’s been like a few months since I last updated my blog. Sorry! I’ve been trying here and then but it seems I was too busy! (Yeah, and not very productive on weekends)

Anyway, currently I’m in research mode to understand about SaaS marketing strategies. I  hope I can improve my knowledge and grow AVSB at least 10 times this year, Insya Allah.

So, from now on I will share about marketing tips and strategies that I learned throughout my research days. I don’t really have much experience in marketing, most of it I learn from my mentor a.k.a father and our lovely partners.

I hope my research will also help benefit you and other entrepreneurs embarking on SaaS business. Hope you can share your views and knowledge too so that we can improve together.

By the way, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

P/S: I am currently reading this.

14th November 2013: Azmi – New Addition to Our Family

Alhamdulillah, I have given birth to our new bundle of joy – a healthy baby boy of 3.9kg at 2.50am on 14th November 2013 at Hospital Az-Zahrah.

I am really satisfied with Az-Zahrah service and I recommend all my lady friends to give birth there. The doctor, Dr Mashita, is very good =) This is the 2nd time I’ve given birth there and I love ’em.

Welcome dearest Azmi. Mommy loves you at first sight!

Now, it’s Afiq & Nisa + 3.

Seriously I still cannot believe that I am mother of 3 now. And I’m not even 28 yet.

However, this time, I have my own plans. I want to really take care of my body especially during this pantang period so that I don’t look like I’m 40 years old when I get back to work.

Hopefully it’ll work. Besides, I want to be as beautiful as ever to my dearest hubby. Haha. =D

My lovely babies

Assalamualaikum all,

I nak tulis this post dalam BM boleh tak? Hahahahha.

My babies, Adam and Ameena, sangat comel and manja. Kadang2 tu rasa rimas tapi sebenarnya rasa sangat2 best. Ye la, mak mana tak rasa seronok kalau anak manja ngan kita. Malam2 selalunya dua2 budak nie mesti nak cari mak diorg utk tido kat ketiak. However, disebabkan perut dah memboyot (7 months ok preggy, perut dah tahap besar gaban), mommy tak larat la nak tido telentang sepanjang malam dan membiarkan adam tido di ketiak kiri dan ameena tido di ketiak kanan. Semput mommy kalo 8 jam kene tido style mcm tu.

Maka, selepas agak2 diorg dah tido lena (usually almost half an hour to an hour after they fall asleep), mommy kene angkat kepala diorg dengan lemah lembut dan letak kat tepi. Selepas selesai mem’position’kan kedua2 anak2 utk tidur dengan betul tanpa ketiak mommy, mommy pun turun katil gi tido atas tilam di atas lantai dengan daddy.

Tapi selalunye, nanti bangun pagi esok, adam dan ameena akan magically appear kat ketiak mommy balik while daddy plak gi tido atas katil (disebabkan rimas anak2 penuh kat kiri kanan, lol). Diorg nie mmg bila2 masa pun nak cari mommy jgk. Hahaha.

Okayla saja nak cerita tu. Nanti besar nak suruh Adam and Ameena plak baca blog nie. Baru diorg tahu time kecik2 diorg nie camne. Lol. Apa2 pun, love love love sangat kat budak berdua nie. Nanti tunggu yg ketiga plak, kite tgk yg ketiga nak tido kat mana plak. Mommy ada 2 ketiak je. Haha.

13th August 2013 – Ameena is 1 year old!

Well, I’m about 1 week late for this post. But anyway, Ameena is already 1 year old! How time flies =)

She is such a cutie pie, right? Now, she has an obsession with my hand every time she wants to sleep. She will either cuddle my hand, put my hand on top of her face or her head or simply make my hand as her “bantal peluk” to hug at night.

And Adam loves to sleep with my hand as his pillow. So, I need to lie down facing up (terlentang), which makes my breathing very hard with my big tummy. Well, now’s the time they want to hug mommy all they can before their little sibling comes out from the womb. Hehe.

I love Adam and Ameena sooo much! (And I love my dearest hubby even more~~)

Mwah Mwah Mwah. Kiss kiss kiss.

Oh, have I told you Meena knows how to kiss already? She’ll smother me with her mouth, lips and saliva. Lol.

Tok Ayah passed away on Friday, 19th July 2013..

Dear all,

My Tok Ayah (a.k.a. grandpa) passed away on last Friday after almost a week battling with pains. Earlier this year, he had just discovered that he had bone cancer but doctor said to just leave it untreated due to the elderly age – chemotherapy won’t do much good on him.

It was a peaceful day, a Friday in the month of Ramadhan. Probably the best day to meet Allah. When he was admitted to the hospital on Sunday, 14th July 2013, doctor was positive that the few days would be his last days and asked to bring him home – to spend his last days in a familiar and cozy environment instead of the hospital.

He was a strong man. He managed to wait for all his kids (my uncles and aunties) to come back home from everywhere around the world and managed to meet all his children during his last days. Alhamdulillah. On Friday, the day he went, nobody was expecting it to happen so suddenly as his condition was the same as the previous day – no improvement but not getting worse. He returned to Rahmatullah in a very peaceful manner.

He was a good man during his days. He was the center of village – everybody will turn to him should they need help with anything. He was a good father and of course a good grandfather. I’m proud to be one of his grand daughters.

May his legacy continues. Al-Fatihah.